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Race crimes and interracial porn
  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2014, 11:05 PM
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Default Race crimes and interracial porn

Does anyone else think there could be a connection between interracial porn and the recent race crimes by white men against black men? Just thinking. I am sure there are many white men who get angry watching black guys fuck white girls. Could this have contributed to the aggression against black men that we are seeing? I am not saying it definitely does, I'm just wondering if there is a slight possibility. What do you guys think?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2014, 03:39 PM
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Many white men have always on some level or another deeply resented seeing black men with their women, never mind that they raped their way through as many black women and girls as they could lay their hands on in the past. They may be so-so about their women with asian or hispanic or foreign men, but they view black men with their women differently, even though they may not say so openly. In the past, many a black man and even boys were brutally hanged or murdered for this, often humiliated and dehumanised by having their genitals horribly mutilated first, to make a specific point . Emmett Till's mother could have told you a thing or two about that.

Last edited by powerstroke22; 11-28-2014 at 08:48 PM..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2014, 03:54 PM
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There has always been an element of fear in our society and well as sexual tension and curiosity among various races. The master often times was the female slave first. Some white men even had a greater love for black women than their wives during slavery. Slaves were often made to perform sex shows for plantation owners and their friends. As the word spread, white women became interested in black men. She knew had to be discreet because of the shame attached and fear attached . The black male slave was strong and powerful physically but also in a vulnerable position. White ladies on the plantation of used this to their advantage. Interracial relations are more accepted today but there is still a bit of a stigma with white women and black men. Interracial sex has always been here, since the begin of America .
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2014, 10:37 PM
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I rather doubt a white man thinks "hey I watched some interracial porn and imagined it was my wife so I feel so guilty I need to go kill a black dude".
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2014, 03:38 AM
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Nope, racial tension is a product of society dividing people up by race (a man made invented concept), if we stopped viewing everything in society by race, and rather that we are all the same with just some minor physical differences, then race problems will disappear.

We are all the same, and lets stop making a big deal about some differences in physical appearances like skin color which have nothing to do with what kind of person one is. Once we get society past these man made divides that were created to excuse persecution of others, then will problems stop . All hate crimes and associating people with others based on things like skin color must stop. But you can't blame it on something like porn, thats like people who blame violence on video games, its an excuse to do anything but solve the actual root of the problem
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A Long Row
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2014, 01:00 AM
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Default A Long Row

Originally Posted by obx! View Post
The recent events with black men being shot and killed by white cops has nothing to do with interracial porn lol. It's black men caught in breaking the law and thinking because I'm black and can blame racism on everything I can get away with breaking the law. Eric Garner would be alive today if #1 he wasn't selling untaxed cigarettes, #2 and resisting arrest. Tamir Rice would be alive if he had spent time with a positive male role model that would explain to him even play gun can get you killed when not using them in the right environment. It's funny people are so emotional about these two traggic deaths that have happened. But nobody gives a shit when it's black men killing other black men.
Thanks for saying this. It's something that needs to be acknowledged and addressed within the black community. It doesn't excuse police brutality and excessive force, but it's the plain truth of the matter. The first thing black people need to do is stop killing themselves, stop burning down their own neighborhoods, stop having so many illegitimate kids, and abide by the law. But even when you have black men and boys abiding by the law, they still end up getting shot!

Trayvon Martin was just going back home from the store (admittedly wasn't the police doing the shooting). Then, you had the man in South Carolina who was shot by law enforcement after he did what he was instructed to do, which was to show his drivers license. He reached into the car to get his documents and he was shot. The cop kept shooting even when the man put his hands up! These are just two of many, many cases that we could go on forever talking about. We could have an entire thread devoted to unarmed black men who have been killed or otherwise physically harmed by the police in the United States!

The South Carolina shooting was all caught on video. Had it not been, I'm 100% confident that the cop would have lied about exactly what happened like they routinely do ("he lunged at me" is a favorite bullshit line). The man was lucky not to be killed (cop was fired and will probably cost the state a lot of money as the result of a civil lawsuit). So yes, there are things that black people need to do differently, but there are things that the police . . . our society . . . needs to do differently too.

We're where we're at today in this nation precisely because of the deep seated damage that the history of white racism in this country caused. Like Chris Rock said, Barack Obama's election twice doesn't prove that black people have come a long way in the United States. Oh no! That would assume that for centuries no black person before him ever was qualified to be President, which is false. The ones who have come a long way are . . . white people . . . who over those same centuries denied full citizenship and equal protection (and opportunity) under the law to people of African descent. It's "Mr. Charlie" who's come a long way baby! As Rock said in the interview, white people are "nicer" these days to people of color.

And so here we are. This is what lies at the heart of the problem. And we've been dealing with it for a long time. It's not so simple and easily solved by saying abide by the law and you won't be harmed. I agree that's what needs to be done, but I'm not naive. The problem is far more complicated than that. Basically, blacks simply have not had enough time to recover from the devastation of slavery. Think about it. The Civil War ended in 1865. But then blacks struggled under the evil of Jim Crow for another 100 years until the Civil Rights Act of 1964!!! And today we're only 50 years down the road from that. That's a blip in time in the human experience!

And yet, look at what has happened in those mere 50 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We have a black President of the most powerful, most prosperous country the world has ever known! Can you imagine where black Americans would be today had Mr. Charlie not done what he did to them (as a matter of law) over all of those previous racist, discriminatory centuries? There just hasn't been enough time since the end of slavery for black people to recover from that. Not enough time I'm telling you! Only 150 years since the end of the Civil War, which is a heartbeat in time in the scope of human events. And still we've had a black President within that short time frame! Imagine where black Americans would be today but for the scourge of slavery. Mr. Charlie has come a long way! Incredible progress has been made! BUT we ALL still have a long, looooong row to hoe

Last edited by ThickNiggaDick; 12-17-2014 at 03:00 AM..
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Hard Times
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2014, 12:51 AM
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Default Hard Times

Originally Posted by obx! View Post

People like to say about all the drugs in black communities well the white man brings in the drugs. Ok well maybe so, but nobody is forcing black men to sell them. We as a people, we as black men need to stop with the excuses, start taking responsibility and accountability and take back control of our communities. When you have generation after generation of black folk raised by single mothers you get this world star hip hop generation.

Until you have mass demonstrations in black communities to say no more black on black violence then all this stuff fall on deaf ears because at the end of the day if just highlights black hypocrisy. They can come together and get angry when a white man kills a black man but when it's a 1000 black on black deaths a week no one gives a shit.
There are some tough messages that people need to not only hear, but act upon as well. That is, if there is ever any hope for true reconciliation. This is true for both black AND white people. Black people need to acknowledge the truth in what you're saying. And white people need to stop denying their racism and the damage that it has done, and continues to do even to this day. I heard about the same recent hate crimes report that the man referred to. White people commit the majority of hate crimes in this country, and they direct the majority of that racial hatred towards blacks. That's what the facts show. But, we all already knew that. The report is confirmation.

Until people (black and white) are ready to abandon the hypocrisy and stop the denials, progress will continue to be painful to achieve. People in this country don't want to talk openly and honestly about race, whether that's looking inward at themselves, or outward towards other people. So, in this way we avoid the hurtful truths. If we finally do start to talk about race, then we want to tip-toe around the subject. Then when people decide to become more direct, people become angry and start talking past one another to where nobody can hear what the other one is saying. But, this is why I use the handle that I do on this site. I want to provoke an emotion. In both blacks and whites and whoever is here. Not merely to push somebody's buttons. But to get people to think. Why are we really all here in this place together?

The best thing that black people can do right now is stop killing each other and take personal responsibility for improving their own communities on all fronts. That starts with each individual person. The power of one. And the best thing that white people can do right now to foster open and honest dialogue is to acknowledge white racism. Stop denying that it exists and stop saying that there is no racism and everything is equal. We're all intelligent enough to know that's not true. "Separate but equal" has already been tried and was thrown out with Brown v. The Board of Education. And we're not going back to that lie.

And the other thing that white people need to understand and accept is that you can't enslave, disenfranchise, and otherwise discriminate against a people for several centuries and then expect that when the shooting stops in 1865 (the Civil War) or when the law is changed in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act (enforced rather since Jim Crow was never legit) , that all of a sudden these people as a whole are going to be fine, upstanding citizens who contribute positively to the community. Most of them had nothing but poverty. Not even hope. And the cycle of poverty and a lack of education are very, very, very hard things to break from generation to generation. That's true for a number of reasons, including maybe the truth that "Mr. Charlie" did hold you and your family back. I graduated from universities in the South that as a matter of law weren't open to blacks to attend until my lifetime. Think about that people. Really think about that. I'm not that old. In the span of human history, that wasn't that long ago. A blip in time. Nobody should be expecting everything to be on an equal plane between black and white just because the shooting stopped and blacks were finally granted their civil rights under the law a mere 50 years ago. There simply hasn't been enough time to allow blacks to catch up.

The bottom line is that black people need to start taking control of those things that they have control over. If you detest the killing of black men, then stop killing black men yourselves. Stop selling drugs in your own neighborhoods. Get involved in local governance. And instill within your children the importance of education. And white people need to acknowledge the depth and continued damaging effects of white racism. I know that is very difficult to do because it says something very ugly about the white race. But it's extremely important because white people still have overwhelming control of the most important institutions in this country. I don't see that changing anytime soon. And whatever you do, don't say that racism doesn't exist because it doesn't happen to you! Or you don't see it. That goes to the very heart of what prejudice and discrimination is all about. Something is happening to somebody that isn't happening to somebody else.

Until both races can openly and honestly acknowledge their faults and failures to the other, there can be no sustained open and honest beneficial dialogue between the two. We will continue to have the status quo. A lot of static that grudgingly and painfully moves along a continuum towards progress. Sometimes feeling like a step forward, and then two steps back.

Last edited by ThickNiggaDick; 12-17-2014 at 02:48 AM..
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2014, 05:25 AM
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I really don't think so although I really hadn't given it any thought. It seems to me the accounts I have heard about are random incidents, not connected with any black man fucking anyones wife so I don't see any connection there.
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And Your Point Is?
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2014, 07:39 AM
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Default And Your Point Is?

Originally Posted by Westind View Post

However, to reiterate what I said, a lot of whites have an innate dislike of blacks, so you can write all you want about understanding, acknowledgement, dialogue, introspection, rapprochement and blah, blah, blah.
So what's your point??? That somebody white is never going to like you because you're black? Well boo hoo that's life! So get over it! Somebody black, white, yellow, red, brown or whoever is never going to like you for whatever reason.

And racial hatred is not innate! It's learned behavior! And what has been learned can be "unlearned". Nobody said that was easy (obviously), but it can be done. It must be done! At the end of the day, black people need to start liking themselves first. Stop the black on black crime. Stop dealing the drugs and the drive-by shootings and abusing/abandoning the women in your lives along with your offspring. Lead by example and pursue an education yourself. Don't just talk about it. Be about it!

Do things to show that you like your own damn self first! And then maybe just maybe other people will like you more too. No, not maybe. They will. But when it's all said and done, I don't give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't. This is not about wanting white people to like me. You don't have to like me. Somebody's racial hatred of me just for being doesn't define who I am as a person. I define who I am by my own actions! But, you do have to respect me as a human being and accord me my civil rights. And if you don't, then as a citizen I'm entitled to equal protection under the law, and your ass needs to go to jail. And/or you're going to pay a heavy financial penalty.

That's how the system is supposed to work. Because you see, as a professor explained to me one time, there are no laws against hate just for the sake of hate alone. But, there are laws against hurting. So, you can hate me all you want to. But just don't try to get away with breaking the law and hurting me, my family, and my friends. That's the way that we need the system to work. And that's what ALL of us as citizens need to care about. You can hate me, but don't you dare hurt me (or even try to). And if you do, then you're going to suffer a negative consequence. That's the way that we need the system to work. For everybody.

Last edited by ThickNiggaDick; 12-15-2014 at 11:30 AM..
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hmmmm whose racist
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2014, 10:18 AM
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Default hmmmm whose racist

Oh please u dont like me because im black, white, yellow or purple.
How about i dont like u because you have the attitude that the world owes you something - it doesnt .
There will be racism that is a way of life ( and its both ways) - you need to rise above it and learn to ignore it. Dont be a sheep in the herd be a leader.

I have experienced racism and im not black nor am i white and to tell you the truth its been from both the blacks and the whites. I ignore their shit because they are filled with nothing but hate.
Live a good life and be proud of who you are.

Watching the riots in america makes many people go - yeah your protesting by looting and burning things - yeah really makes your point of police brutality mute. Because it makes your race look like there nothing but losers.

Dont know about the US but stats here show most crime and abuse are from within there own communities . Police can be bad to however people in general are. Its time to make the police cams mandatory i say that way - it will show what really happened and then everyone can stfu.
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