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Tell us about your first time. What is your story?
  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2014, 07:39 AM
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Lightbulb Tell us about your first time. What is your story?

At the time of our first swinging experience, my wife, Lisa, and I had been married for 20 years. We were both in our mid 40’s and very fit. Lisa is a true cock curler. At 5’ 6”, 115 lbs, shapely, with long flowing brown hair she looks like she is in her 20’s. We have 3 kids who at the time were 12, 9 and 3. Immediately after the birth of our 3 year, Lisa lost all interest in sex. Even though she never refused my advances, I could tell that her love making was uninspired. She was just going through the motions as if she was performing a required duty. She never seemed to get into the moment or have any excitement during sex which took all the fun out of it for me. After a while, I just quit asking. Lisa’s libido was nonexistent. Although Lisa seemed content to share our life without sex, I was not going to be celibate for the rest of my life. I still had many good fucks left in me.

I began to consider divorce. It was at this time that I first suggested to Lisa that we spice up our love life by swinging. For the next year, I wore out the knees in practically every pair of pants that I owned begging Lisa to at least consider swinging. Finally, Lisa agreed to go to a club and learn more about it. I found a weekend event at a hotel in Omaha which was a little more than an hour away. Lisa and I went to watch. I was hoping to play but I knew that without Lisa’s consent it would lead to divorced. So, I held her hand as she drank herself blind on Mi tias. Lisa had checked out by passing out on alcohol. At the end of the night I poured Lisa into our car and drove her home. An hour and a half later as we arrived home she was beginning to sober up yet she was still very drunk and the events of the day had her feeling friskie. We fucked for the first time in 14 months. Damn, she was fun! 

The next day we were back in our no sex routine. A few months later, I signed us up to attend another swinger event in Omaha. Again, Lisa just wanted to watch. This time she drank in moderation. Her eyes were glued to the action. Almost like a security blanket, she held my hand and kept me in sight the whole night. On the way home Lisa was so horny that she couldn’t wait to get home. We pulled off the highway and parked on a gravel road. We fucked in the car like high schoolers. It was our first fuck since the drunken night of our first swinger event. Once we got home, I tasted Lisa’s sweetness 2 more times that night and again in the morning. However by the next night we were back in our no sex routine.

I went online and found a swinger event in Lincoln which was 4 months away and I signed us up. At this event, we stood in the doorway to the playroom and watched the action. It was beginning to look like another night of just watching. Then a beautiful, naked 30 something came up to me and planted a passionate kiss. She, then, knelt down and unzipped my trousers. I looked over at Lisa. She was smiling and whispered, “Go for It!” I didn’t need a second invitation. I was naked and in her pussy within seconds. Pounding away at her pussy I glanced up at Lisa. She had slid her hand under her skirt and was rubbing up a squirting orgasm. I was surprised that Lisa was not wearing her panties. I remember wondering when she had taken them off. Lisa was rubbing her clit and I was pounding this beautiful woman. We both had been going at it for about 10 minutes when I noticed Lisa starting to squirt. Her wet pussy was glistening in the dim light of the room. My excitement rose and I pumped my first load of seed into the condom that I was wearing.

Laying on top of this woman in the afterglow of the moment, we introduced ourselves. He name was Jen. I could feel myself going limp in her pussy. I looked over to see Lisa. Two men had approached her and were cupping her breast and licking her nipples. Instantly, I was excited and began to swell in Jen’s pussy and I began to pump her. Shortly one of the men had slid behind Lisa and bent her over licking her pussy. He had an enormous cock. Now, I am not exactly what you would consider small at 8.5 inches and respectable girth. Judging from the other guys in the playroom, I would probably be considered on the large side of average. Yet this man’s cock was about twice my size. Lisa had taken the other man’s cock deep down her throat. Lisa seldom gave me a bj. She thought sucking a cock was gross after all I peed through it. In 20 years of marriage, I could probably count on one hand the number of times she sucked my cock and then only after an hour of begging. Yet she greedily deep throated this stranger. I was swelling in Jen’s pussy and I began to pump her again. Less than a minute later I heard Lisa begin to softly moan. My kids were conceived to that moan! I had not heard that content moan for years. Yet, here in this club on another man’s cock I heard her moaning in pleasure. I blew my second load filling my condom for a second time. Jen just laughed and asked “Has it been a while since you’ve been with a woman?” Red-faced with embarrassment I just nodded, “Yes.”

Looking over to Lisa, the man with the big cock was plunging it in her pussy making her moan with enjoyment. Contrary to club rules neither man was wearing a condom. Just then Lisa began to gag on the cock down her throat. The dude was cumming and Lisa was trying to swallow it. With the gag, semen spouted out of her nose. Lisa scooped up the sperm from her nose with her right hand and licked down every drop of it. In 20 years of marriage Lisa had never swallowed any of my jizz. She preferred me to shoot a pearl necklace on her twin ladies. Seeing her voraciously swallow every drop of this strangers cum made me realize that my beautiful wife had become a true slut. My excitement was too much to contain and I blew my third load of the night into my condom in Jen’s pussy.

As I rolled off, Jen she began to inspect the condom. Her concern; 3 load did it hold. To her chagrin, it had not. Although there were no holes in the condom, the continuous fucking had pushed the extra cum down my shaft and out the bottom of the condom. My ball were covered in jizz and so were her labia lips. We could only hope that the extra wetness in her pussy was the result of her excitement and not my jizz.

I glanced at Lisa and watched the man with the big dick fucking her. Her soft moans made me long for the past when we enjoyed a frequent and healthy sex life. Thinking of those days, I began to swell hard again and Jen rushed to put a fresh condom on me. Jen’s eyes were wide open as she asked are you really going to fuck me again after 3 loads already. Jen jumped on top and began to ride me hard. I promise Jen that this time I would last and she was going to have about 30 minutes of fun. Damn, she was a beautiful fuck but my attention was on Lisa. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. The man with the big dick had been pumping my wife for about 15 minutes when I heard him explode. He thrust deep into Lisa’s pussy and dumped his load. I was so excited that I pounded Jen hard and fast. I could feel myself peaking. I looked over at Lisa down on all fours. She was licking the dude clean as another man’s jizz slipped out of my wife and slowly dribbled down her labia lips to fall on the floor. I couldn’t take it! I exploded in Jen’s cunt again filling my condom for a fourth time.

Lisa and the man moved in next to us on the bed. With Lisa on all fours and her ass in the air near my face, I could watch the stream of jizz slid out of her pussy and drip to the floor. Lisa continued to lick his huge cock clean but he never got hard again the rest of the night. Jen told Lisa that she was right, I had dumped 4 loads in her in just over 20 minutes. I looked sheepishly at my wife. Lisa said he can do better than that. She explained that usually I could go 15 or 20 minutes per load giving a woman time to enjoy. Jen laughed and said well then he must be out of practice. Lisa’s face turned beet-red. I quickly told Jen that it wasn’t lack of practice instead it was her exceeding beauty. Jen laughed again and called me a liar. She commented that I never took my eyes off Lisa and that she was just an afterthought. Then, Jen introduced the big cock guy as her husband Ben. Jen explained that Ben was so big that it hurt to fuck him. Jen smiled and Lisa nodded saying it was not a real pain just uncomfortable. She described it as a pleasurable pain. She had agreed to swinging so that she could fuck more normal size cocks and just enjoy the pleasure without the discomfort.

Lisa and Jen had met in the bathroom. Lisa had commented on the size of Ben’s cock and said she would like to try a big cock someday. Jen asked why not tonight. Lisa and Jen planned the whole episode. Lisa pointed me out to Jen, saying that I could go all night and Jen certainly would not be disappointed. Jen was to kiss me and break the ice. Then, Ben would find Lisa and the game was on. The other guy? No one knew. We just figure that he saw the fun and joined in. It was in the bathroom that Lisa removed her panties and told Jen that Ben didn’t need a condom. The thought of my little vixen of a wife scheming to set up this sexcapade, got me excited and I was hard as a rock again. Jen put a fresh condom on and I finally, fucked her like she deserved. I pumped her in 5 different positions for 25 minutes. I made sure that she didn’t feel like an afterthought. She had multiple screaming orgasms by the time I finally blew my fifth load.

This is a true story. Only the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent participants of my wife’s first time swinging.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2014, 07:40 AM
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Update on our life today almost five years later.

Because of distance we have only been able to hook up with Jen and Ben 2 times in the past 4 years. We still are in contact and have a 4th of July swap planned in Omaha this summer (2014). Lisa and I continue to attend swinger events in Omaha and Lincoln. Our sex life is quite healthy as we enjoy ourselves 4 or 5 times a week. Since swinger events around here are often separated by a few months, Lisa has found a regular bbc bull from craigslist. For the last three years, we have partied with him about one weekend every month in Omaha. Our latest news is the arrival of our new baby. Now we have one about to graduate high school and another one about to begin preschool and 2 in between. The baby is a year old. Judging by his light complexion, he might be my progeny; but, looking at his pitch black, curly, kinky hair and his facial features I suspect that he is the offspring of Lisa’s bull.
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first time
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2014, 10:53 PM
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Default first time

Our first time was a little by accident and little of me scheming to get my wife to try this. I had been suggesting the idea to her for over 5 years but since we are latino catholic its something that she has a huge problem with. I decided to contact men on craigslist show them her photo and see which men were interested. She is a real thick light skin latina woman.. there were a few rejections however I settled on one guy that I knew she would like. We arranged to meet at a mall close to home. I made sure my wife had a bit of wine to drink before going out.. otherwise she would not be open to any ideas. I also asked her to take off her panties. He had requested that she wear a long sun dress. She was gonna be in for a good surprise!
We went to the mall and I texted the guy that we would meet in the foodcourt. When we got there.. sure enough he was there.. he was just as his photo an as he described. Black (medium skin tone) about 5'10.. medium build.. and a little grey in his short hair.. he was a little older than us. 5'10 is not tall but compared to us he was like a giant (lol) I'm 5'4 and my wife is 5'1. I let out a huge HEY! Like if I had known him all my life.. and he did the same.. I introduced him to my wife.. as an old friend... we all started walking around the mall.. talking.. I was waiting for him to make his move.
He said.. bro.. you never told me you had such a beautiful wife.. you were hiding her from me since u know us black guys love big asses. we all laughed.
we kept walking but I saw both of them slow down a bit.. he had his hands on her ass.. touching.
then I saw them giggling together and him leaning in to tell her somethings. I couldn't hear. Then I saw him grab his crotch. He was wearing grey/silver basketball shorts an you could see the outline of his dick.. like a big pipe.
Both of them could not wait.. they started walking faster to one of the major dept stores.. I followed them.. they went to a fitting room and told me to wait outside and keep watch incase someone comes by.
I could see movement.. mostly his body.. and I heard moans.. ayy papi... dispacio por favour..an be gentle.. be slow..
after about an hour and a half they both came out. Smiling.
He gave her a huge kiss and told us to give him a call anytime that he lives only 10 minutes away an he free to meet up with us anytime.
After he left I quickly asked my wife .. what happened? How was it? She couldn't stop smiling! She said she had something to show me but in the car. We walked to the car.. we both got in.. she lifted her dress an showed me a huge glob of cum between her legs.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2014, 03:13 AM
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Great story ndiddy81! You must let us know how it is going. Do you and your wife still fuck around? Does your wife still meet with this black friend and how many times?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2014, 07:08 PM
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Yes my wife still fucks with Jordan usually on the weekend now because our schedules but sometimes up to 3 times per week. I tried to introduce another guy but it was to much!
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first time
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2014, 05:43 AM
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Default first time

HANK AND I decided we were going to run an ad in craigslist. That I was looking for my first black expierence. We had a lot of answers and it was hard to decide. Finally we agreeded to meet kevin at a club for some chit chat and dancing.. when we arrived at the vlub he met us in the parking lot and we went inside. We talked and danced a couple of dances but i did not feel comfortable with him so hank decided to talk to him on the side and let him know how i felt. While they were outside a black gentleman approched our table and asked me to dance a ealtz with him. I agreed even though he was twice my age.. when he took my hand i had a strange but wonderful feeling.. we danced vlose and i vould feel him getting hatd. As the dance finished hank caneback in and ee rrturned to the table.

I invitedhim to join us and we tskeda while.. i suprised him when i moved vloser to him and placed my hand on his vock which twitched in his pants. Hank saw me smiling andblushing and he realized what was going on he pushed the botton on his phone to make it ting and pretended to answer it. He gave a suuprised and then urgent startld look. He put his phone awsy and said the supervisor calledand someone fell at work and they neededhim to vome in... he saidhe could take me home but i asked my new friend if he minded taking me home to sar hank time sndhe agreed.

After hank left we danced one more dance and the left. The drive home was exciting and i placed his hand between my legs. When we got to the house i inbited him inside. As i closed the door i untied the top of my halter dress and let it fall to the floor and stood there naked.. he smiled and started kissing my breast. Before long we wre both naked and in the 69 position we were so carried away that we both vlimaxed and i almost vhoked on thr loaf he put in my mouth. After we revovered he climed on top of me and rsmmed his 8 inch very thick hatd pulsating cock in me and proceeded to fuck me but everytimr he eas about to unload he eould stopp after about 15 minutes i was so high with pleasure i was getting lightheaded. This time he did not stop and as he unloaded in me i statted shakinjmg and jerking tilll i passrd out. It was almost 4 hours before i woke up. We took a showwer and came out as hank cane home we spent the day toghther withhim and hank taking turns with me
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My husbands best friend
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2014, 08:55 AM
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Default My husbands best friend

It wasn't long after we got married. My husband and I went over to his friend Mike's parents house for a pool party. We had been swimming and got out and were sitting at a table pool side. His friend Mike walked over to us to talk. Afterwards I told my husband Dave that I could see a rather large bulge in his trunks. Wrong thing to say cause even then Dave loved the idea of me with other guys. He even told me that Mike told him his cock was over seven inches. I told him that he didn't need to tell me cause I saw the bulge. My husband is fixated on size. I told him that I didn't care what size a guy was.

Some how the three of us ended up in the laundry room of Mike's parents house. Dave told me that he wanted to watch me suck Mike's cock. I told him that I wasn't interested in him that way. But never mind my husband tells Mike that if he whips out his cock I would suck it. Then Dave tells me if I would suck Mike's cock he would take me shopping and buy me anything I wanted. I wasn't interested with his offer. Then he tells me he would take us on a trip anywhere I wanted to go. This got me thinking about it but Mike never whipped it out so we just stood around awkwardly looking at one another.

So my husband wants me to suck his friends cock. I asked him what was he expecting. He told me that he hoped the blow job would lead to maybe Mike and I fucking with his big cock. Again I tell my husband that I need to be interested in the person first. So months later my husband invites Mike to spend the weekend with us. One Friday after work Dave and Mike pick me up. We got some Chinese food and a couple movies to watch. One movie was a porno film which I didn't know Dave got. We ate while watching the first movie and afterwards Dave put in the porno. I didn't stay and watch I left that to them so I went and got ready for bed.

I put on a sexy teal two piece teddy made of lace. Then I laid face down on our bed and read a book. Dave and Mike were getting horned up watching the porno. When the movie was over they were going to sleep. Dave went to use the bathroom and left our door cracked. When he came out he found Mike watching me through the crack in the door. Mike then used the bathroom and Dave came to bed. I was still reading my book. Dave tells me that he wants me to suck Mike's cock. I thought not this again he we go. We talked for a bit about it and I told Dave that I would rather fuck Mike as that would be more fun for me than just sucking a cock. Dave was surprised and said why don't we let Mike decide which one. I asked Dave which way did he think his friend would go. He wasn't sure but I wanted him to know that I expected him to take me on a trip if I did it. So Dave said lets do a penis contest and the winner gets to pick either a blow job or to fuck me. I laughed and told Dave that we already know the winner cause his four and half inches doesn't beat seven plus. I asked him are you sure about this cause things will change in our lives. I didn't want him to think of me as a whore or slut if I did it.

He agreed and I got a ruler and Dave went and got Mike. The next thing I know Dave returns with Mike. They were both wearing only their underwear. I told Dave it was his show so talk to Mike. He told Mike that we were having a penis contest and the winner can chose between a BJ or to fuck. He asked Mike if he wanted to do it and he said ok. Then I told them to stand next to each other and on the count of three to drop their shorts. I gave Dave one more chance to not do it but he was determined to go through with it. So I counted one, two, three! Then I was going to just say that we didn't need a ruler and declare Mike the winner but I wanted to measure and call out each guys size. So I knelt in front of my hubby he cock was already rock hard and leaking. I laid his cock along the ruler and then I said," four and one quarter inches". Then I moved over to Mike and his cock was not totally hard. I was curious so I measured him and even semi hard he was bigger at over five inches. But I said,' your not hard lets see what I can do about that." I took Mike's cock in my hand and stroked him several times. He was almost there but not quite. I wanted to make Dave jealous or maybe even mad. So I started licking Mike's cock and kissing his shaft. He was hard now but I continued and I took him into my mouth sucking on his seven plus cock. I sucked him for several minutes and Dave caught on but instead of telling me to stop he encouraged me to continue even saying something like, " that's it baby suck that big cock, suck him good baby." So I looked at him and he was stroking his little dick. He asked me if it was good and I mumbled good with his cock in my mouth. Then I stopped for a moment and I raised my arms cause I wanted to take the top to my teddy off. Mike helped me take it off and I squeezed my tits together and asked Mike if he liked them. Then he played with them, I told him the left one was named Henrietta and the right one was named Gracie. I went back to sucking Mike's cock and he ran his hands through my hair. Dave was telling me to suck Mike's cock harder and asking me if he tasted good. I told him I loved his seven plus inches. Then it dawned on me I never measured Mike. So I picked up the ruler and laid his rock hard cock on top of it. Oh My! I said. What a big cock you have Mike, I measure seven and three quarters. Then I continued sucking his cock making sure my husband was watching but I needn't worry he was fixated on my mouth and Mike's cock. But I did praise Mike every chance I got on such a wonderful cock. Then I stopped and I asked Mike which he wanted. He acted confused and said he didn't get it. I told him that he had a choice between me continuing to suck him or he could fuck me. He said that he thought we were doing a BJ. I told him I got over excited while getting him hard but the choice was his. He thought for a moment and I could see the wheels turning in his head. I told him I would continue sucking and let me know what he decided. After a few more minutes Mike told me that he wanted to fuck. So I stopped sucking him and stroked his cock to make sure he stayed good and hard.

He helped me to my feet and walked me backwards toward the bed. Mike looked at me and he told me that he had never bin with a girl before. I said that I didn't believe him. He told me that it was true and that he never had a girlfriend before. I looked at Dave and he told me that Mike was telling me the truth. Mike wasn't ugly he was just awkward with girls. I told him I would help him and not to worry. I laid back on the bed and I told him to slide my panties off. He took them off and marveled at my naked body. I thought for a moment and decided I would ride him to start so I had him lay down on the bed. Then I climbed on top of him and I reached back and rubbed his cock in my clit until the tip was at my opening. Then I lowered myself onto his big cock. Oh god! It felt really good. I was Mike's first girl and he was my first big cock. I never had one this big before. Mike was only my fifth partner. I can tell you his cock felt so good to me and it wasn't long before I was getting loud with all the moans and groans and being very vocal. But this was due to his size. Dave was just stroking his cock and watching us fuck. I rode Mike's cock for about ten minutes. Then I climbed off and laid down. I spread my legs and held my arms out to him. I reached out and grabbed his cock and helped him find my hole. Then he started pumping and Dave was now telling him to fuck me. He said," fuck my wife give it to her good, fuck her hard," Oh he was and Dave came over to us. My tits were bouncing and jiggling with his thrusting. I reached out and started stroking my husbands cock. He sat next to me on the bed and leaned down and kissed me. I was wondering if he could taste Mike's cock while we kissed. With my hubby kissing me and Mike fucking me I was now really singing out with Mike's cock going deep inside me. It wasn't long before Mike was about to fill me with his hot cum. I just remembered that I was no longer on the pill as I was now trying to get pregnant. I told Mike he needed to pull out but with him leaking it probably would make no difference. Dave asked me what I wanted to do. I said pull out but Dave told Mike not too. I really didn't want him to stop and I grabbed his ass and held him in as he filled my pussy full of his hot cum. I screamed as he finished it was wonderful. Then he pulled out and laid down next to me. Dave mounted me and started fucking me. I was so wet and his cock felt different to me probably cause I was more open due to Mike's girth. Dave finished in a matter of minutes. We all fell asleep and snuggled up the three of us spooning. The next morning my devious mind was already working. I told Dave to get his shower first. He takes like twenty five minutes getting a shower. That was plenty of time. I grabbed Mike and kissed him. I climbed on top of him and rode him. I told him to listen for the shower and that we had to finish before then. Then after ten minutes I had him mount me up and fuck my pussy really good. I watched the clock and at about twenty minutes I told him to finish. He fucked really fast and I had to cover my mouth as he filled my pussy. God it felt good. We hung out together that Saturday and when evening came Dave asked Mike to stay. I thought yes to myself. That evening we all got together and got naked and Mike and Dave took turns fucking me. I was really enjoying myself. Dave asked me after Mike left if I enjoyed our time. I told him," hell yes it was good.' He asked me who was better, I didn't want to tell him but he insisted. I'm sorry I don't lie so I told him that Mike's bigger size felt better to me. Now I love big cocks they is no substitute for a big cock.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2014, 02:16 AM
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Oh my God Jane from davzkar that story was hot. I had to go find the wife after that one. Fortunately, it was the middle of Saturday afternoon. Lisa had just put the baby down for a nap and the older kids were all at their friends playing. We had just enough time for a 20 minute quickie. I left Lisa with a smile on her face thanks to your story, Jane.
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Our first time
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2014, 08:11 AM
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Default Our first time

I never thought something like this could happen to us and it's still very clear in my mind although it happened just over 3 years ago. But I'll let Monica, my wife, tell the first part because it was she who initiated it.
Hi I'm a physiotherapist specialising in sports injuries. I treat both men and women as well as children and has a practice near a hospital, but also treat patients after hours at our house. One day this huge attractive black Aussie rules football player was referred to me for treatment of an upper leg muscle strain. I asked him to take a warm (hot) shower before treatment to relax the muscles as much as possible. On the third visit he was face down on the treatment table with a towel around his waist. I got to work on his leg and as I moved higher my hand accidentally touched his cock which at that stage wasn't totally flacid but carried on as if nothing happened. I could not resist to "accidentally" touched his cock again and by the time I asked him to turn over his cock was about 3/4 stiff and the towel fell off when I reached too high again. I apologized and acted embarresed, but in fact could not keep my eyes off this manly wonder. I touched it and stroked ittwo or three times before "coming to my senses". There was no way it could go further in the treatment room and nothing more happened. I told Dennis about it and he just said wow!
Three days later Tony, the football player phoned and invited us to attend a game with him and his wife. She was from Thailand and quite a sexy doll. After the game, Dennis invited them to join us at our place for some late night snacks and drinks and they accepted.
Once we were relaxed at home and had a drink an idea took place in my head and I suggested that we all climb into the hot tub and relax. I gave everyone a towel and they went into the guest bathroom and we to our bedroom to disrobe. When we climbed into the hot tub I had a glimpse at Chinlin's body and nice firm tits and Tony's semi erect cock with big balls sitting tight to his body.
Well we had some more drinks and one thing led to another with me stroking Tony's cock to full attention and when I lookes over at Dennis, his mouth was glued to Chinlin's tits.

This is where I take over. I took Chinlin and lifted her tiny frame onto my lap and her hands quickly found my erect cock and guided it to her pussy and because of the water it slipped in easily. She was soon hopping up and down on my dick with water slashing all over. When I looked to see what the other two were doing, I realised that they got out of the tub and Tony was pounding Monica with that huge cock and when I saw the absolute bliss on her face, I increased ht epace and after about 5 minutes I shot the biggest load that I can remember. Tony lasted much longer but when he came he roared like a bear and said "yeah bitch, take my load. They stayed over the whole night in which there were many more fucking and sucking.
After that we partied regularly and soon joined an interracial swinging group. Now I love to share my wife with other men - especially black and she loves being "passed around".
We love this lifestyle we're in for 3 years now and are "confirmed" swingers, but I wil NEVER EVER forget the feeling of excitement and pride seeing my wife with a heavenly expression on her face while being hammered by a monster of a black cock.
Yeah well, it's equally exciting for me to watch Dennis enjoying some stranger's pussy.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2014, 03:14 PM
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Monica and Dennis, great story. I read it at work in the middle of the morning, so there is no one to help me with this hard-on. Perhaps, I will go home for lunch and see what Lisa is doing. What is Australian for a "nooner?"
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