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Successor123 01-12-2011 04:17 PM

Does Your Family Know?
I just want to know how many of you have let your family know about your decision to live the lifestyle?

If you have children at home do you let them know?

Do you leave the doors open when you are with your bull?

Does you bull live with you?

How does this work?


submntulsa 01-12-2011 06:03 PM

Our only child, a daughter, knows what we do. But we're discreet beyond that cause of high profile job my wife has. I'm a cuck to her and she has 2 bf's.

Benny Goodman 13 01-13-2011 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by submntulsa (Post 17210)
Our only child, a daughter, knows what we do. But we're discreet beyond that cause of high profile job my wife has. I'm a cuck to her and she has 2 bf's.

If the kids are old enough I think that it's Ok for them to know that mom has a black lover on the side and that dad accepts this. Yet I don't think that they should be able to watch the actual penetration of mom no matter how old they are, that's only for mom, dad and the black bull to enjoy.
As for other family and friends you would be surprised how many people find it is no big beal if mommy has a black boyfriend it seems to be quite popular in liberal open-minded circles. Especially if the wife is a little older and the kids are out of the house.

susu56 01-13-2011 08:38 PM

Unique situation

Originally Posted by Benny Goodman 13 (Post 17257)
If the kids are old enough I think that it's Ok for them to know that mom has a black lover on the side and that dad accepts this. Yet I don't think that they should be able to watch the actual penetration of mom no matter how old they are, that's only for mom, dad and the black bull to enjoy.
As for other family and friends you would be surprised how many people find it is no big beal if mommy has a black boyfriend it seems to be quite popular in liberal open-minded circles. Especially if the wife is a little older and the kids are out of the house.

My kids are grown and am sure my daughter knows because she is married to a black man and the first black guy I ever did was at her apartment and was her now husband's younger brother. They were asleep in another room but sure she knows but doesn't directly mention it. My son on the other hand is a redneck and glad he lives a 1000 miles away because I know he couldn't handle it.

Benny Goodman 13 01-15-2011 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by susu56 (Post 17261)
My kids are grown and am sure my daughter knows because she is married to a black man and the first black guy I ever did was at her apartment and was her now husband's younger brother. They were asleep in another room but sure she knows but doesn't directly mention it. My son on the other hand is a redneck and glad he lives a 1000 miles away because I know he couldn't handle it.

Hi Susu,
You might see your son as a redneck but believe me many white men can handel this situation nowadays. I mean his mother and sister are being fucked by black men and I'm certain you two are not the only white women that he knowns who have a black stud on the side.
Get in touch with him make him understand and think of the service you might be doing him if his wife or girlfriend comes home with a black lover one of these days.

jenks678 01-23-2011 01:12 PM

No way does anyone in our family know, and it's gonna stay that way. We live a conservatve middle-class lifestyle - our kids are now in their early teens and look after themsleves when we go out to a 'party', which usually means dinner at a restaurant followed by some hotel room where a hung black guy gets to fuck my wife. To the outside world, we're just your average couple, long may it stay that way!

gottaloveit66 01-23-2011 02:52 PM

Family no,but some friends yes
My 25 yr old hotGF's parents and siblings are very Christian,and would die of shock if they knew their youngest 'baby' girl loves hot sex with black men,which I got her into. Also,my family would pretty much disown me if they found out too.. However,some of our friends know,although not the details,such as she has only very recently got a new black boyfriend that she dates,and that he sleeps over our place in our bed with her while I stay in the spare room. I truly admire those in the BBC lifestyle that have their parents and close family knowing the truth!

blonde4bbc 01-25-2011 12:11 AM

Does Your Family Know
We do not have children and our families know about our lifestyle. My mother who is the matriarch of our family dated and married her black bull last May. My sub husband's parents have passed, but his sister has stayed with us for a couple weeks last summer and did not have a problem with our open door policy. Finally, since my bull lives with us and is in complete charge, my husband, my parents (black step dad) and hubby's sister have accepted our wonderful relationship.

Hubby and his sis while here simply had to follow the rules my bull layed down.

ockmick 01-25-2011 01:22 AM

no our family's don't know.,. because we live in a very small community we try to keep our lifestyle descreet for obvious reasons.,..we swap and sometimes group with a black couple so no my wife's bull don't live with us but he DOES have a key to our home and free access to my wife.,..much as i do to his.

mandy and brian 01-29-2011 05:18 PM

hi my best friend Carol knows shes married to and once a every couple of months we go down to London supposedly to she shows but really to meet nice blackmen to see to us all weekend my hubby Brian knows but Carols hubby doesnt have a clue .

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