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dogfart9999 05-12-2009 07:34 AM

Loose Pussy
Curious what black guys prefer. Loose pussy or tight pussy? Maybe both?

amazonking 05-13-2009 12:42 PM

Speaking from a cuck's standpoint, black men prefer married pussy, so long as it is married to someone else.

Kim_J 05-14-2009 11:41 PM

they like white pussy, and prefer married white pussy cause even though it may seem to be loose, it is tight for him, and then after he pounds her pussy a few times, her husbands sex life is ruined. so they like to make them loose!

NUBIAN PRINCE 39 06-08-2024 08:57 PM

Nothing wrong with loose if you want a nice comfortable fuck But I've found that fat women have tighter cunts than thin women.

josuts 06-09-2024 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by NUBIAN PRINCE 39 (Post 104792)
Nothing wrong with loose if you want a nice comfortable fuck But I've found that fat women have tighter cunts than thin women.

indeed! My wife is thin and her pussy is a bit loose!:-)

smallsquirts 06-09-2024 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by josuts (Post 104799)
indeed! My wife is thin and her pussy is a bit loose!:-)

I agree with you. I am not very large and have a huge pussy.

curleyblondegal 06-12-2024 05:01 PM

Im skinny and tall ld say lm more on tighter end, but can easily take 8 inch cocks and my large bad dragons. black guys seem to love my pussy, often l make them cum quite fast....

also pussys stretch so no such thing as loose, just some woman dont exercise them so theres no pelvic mucsle tone....

bamaslut 06-29-2024 12:55 PM

Hollow Cunt
My pussy is a bit loose from the use. I have found the black men that use me love it married, white and loose. I fit all 3.

lild1922003 08-10-2024 11:26 AM

Tight pussies are so overrated. I love a woman that loosens up when wet. Loose pussies are way more fun to play with. haha.

domblaque 08-22-2024 05:12 PM

Pussy is the same to me tight or loose as long as am hitting the pussy. Once I fisted the woman pussy after I had got my fist in her and played around in that pussy. Wow thought the pussy was going to be loose to my surprise it was tight, it was ,y 1st time fisting a woman. The 2nd woman I fisted and use beer cans and beer bottles went right back to being tight. So I guess it's up to the woman if she wants a tight or loose pussy. If they use kegel exercises

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