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Do you prefer Active or Passive sexpartner(s)?
  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2014, 07:46 AM
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Default Do you prefer Active or Passive sexpartner(s)?

There are chatters active on ILI-Chat who are telling their experiences in very passionate ways; telling about every detail.
What I have noticed is there are quite a number of chatters who claim they're the ones who are taking charge and practically do all the work.

Question to both men and women:
- Do you prefer Active or Passive sexpartners?
- What does taking charge in your opinion mean? You doing all the work or does it mean you're the one making your partner do all the work?
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Which partner takes charge?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2014, 08:15 AM
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Default Which partner takes charge?

Which partner was not not made clear in your question. I suspect that you are addressing the female partner.

I am the husband. The wife really does not have the time to give this site much attention. When I show her blogs, she might give that web page her time and we might talk about the differing opinions. As for who is taking charge, I suspect that you are referring to who sets up the scene. What I do for the wife is to find some guy, whether on this site or another site, trying to set up a time that they can cam. Either the guy or the wife can then say that they are interested in a face to face meeting or excuse themselves. Choosing to meet then is not what I have anything to do with. The wife would prefer to meet some guy while in another city. She is to well known to play where we live. I do not take charge. I don't pretend to be able to decide for the wife what she is to experience.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2014, 03:54 PM
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After a little initial contact between the men, I will step back and let the wife decide whether he fits what she is expecting from the experience. I have found that she gets along great with guys that I thought might not make the cut...and the better she gets along with them, the more fun and excitement it becomes..win- win!
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Question viewed differently.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2014, 05:14 PM
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Default Question viewed differently.

Almost seems as if the question changed. My view, from the man's perspective, has to do with what constitutes the archetype of man and woman and, collectively. Men penetrate and therefore take or, do a woman, whereas, women get penetrated and therefore want to be taken. The woman's sexuality is submissive. Feminism took too much away from a woman's archetype and yet gave them a sense of being equal. The good and the bad of feminism, as with all change is that one brings with change a part of what they were along with the change. Society calls sexually active women with more than one sexual encounter with strange men, loose, sluts or, as I like to call a woman that embraces her archetype, a cunt. The word cunt totally describes all of a woman's genitals; the labia (major and minor), the clitoris and hood, the vagina, the cervix and, given that every aspect of a woman's genitals defines the word cunt, the whole purpose of a cunt is to be taken and therefore receive the man's seed. This word whole or, wholeness embraces the archetype of a woman. A woman that society calls a slut would differ from a cunt, where cunt defines a woman becoming whole through the act of a man taking her.

This does not mean that a woman can never take control but, in for me, the preference for a woman taking control is after the man has taken what he wants. Where a woman then is still not satisfied, wants more, more cum. She is insatiable. Two great turn on's.

My wife loves to be taken and that is why she does not go after men. If they don't want her she does not want them. They must desire her enough to take her like a man is meant to take a woman; in control.

I could love a slut.
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Moderator pulled my response.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2014, 09:29 PM
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Default Moderator pulled my response.

It becomes evident that, although, my reply to your last post was about clarification, the moderator is taking the language as offensive. Briefly, I agree with all that you've said with only one assumption given your choice of words. The word that has no meaning that you used was "communital." I had to assume the meaning had to do with community influence, etc., societal. Where your contention was with my reference to a woman's archetype, in the singular, I do not disagree with your defense that there are many archetypes. And, is that not what this forum began with, "Do you prefer Active or Passive sexpartner(s)?" I would want a woman that is Madonna, Mother, Amazon and Whore. So, my preference is not either/or but, both. Nonetheless, my point regarding the archetype of a woman, relating to submissive women, still stands.

As for the language that seems to be offensive, and I do understand why, still is the only word usage that completely addresses this idea of a submissive woman. I refer you to the article "On "Bitch" and Other Misogynist Language," Where Mellissa McEwan says: "My using the word c*nt to describe myself and a man using it to describe another man are fundamentally different contexts." She addresses "fabricated belief" as opposed to reclaiming, the word. My purpose was to demonstrate that reclamation. I refer to, the word, to define my wife's sexual identity.

All this and more is just a footprint that explains how complicated my wife is but that footprint points to the heart of this forum's question.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2015, 03:21 PM
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While I can be very submissive, that doesn't mean I don't want to be "active". I want my partners to be active, and I know they really appreciate it when I am. I can ride a man, just as hard as he can give it to me!

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black_stud = mywaysintermsofsex = FAKER
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2015, 09:00 AM
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Default black_stud = mywaysintermsofsex = FAKER

this thread was started by the longest runnning fake on here. black_stud is a gayish 40ish y.o. WHITE GUY from the Netherlands.

His cuck profile is mywayintermsofsex. But he has other cuck profiles on here as well and a ton of fake profiles pretending to be 18y.o. black guys.
He is psychotic to an extend that he would reply as a white cuck to a thread he started pretending to be an 18 y.o,. guy

Originally Posted by num1scamp View Post
While I can be very submissive, that doesn't mean I don't want to be "active". I want my partners to be active, and I know they really appreciate it when I am. I can ride a man, just as hard as he can give it to me!

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