06-18-2024, 04:01 PM
Join Date: Mar 2024
Posts: 86
Originally Posted by jimbrowski
Well that's because porn isn't real. It creates an illusion of sorts; just like when you see a white guy with an abnormal size dick. How many white guys do you personally know with an abnormal size dick? Not saying that there's no white guy that's bigger than me but every white women, who was married, that has cheated on their husband with me; their husband has been smaller; to this very day. I know a handful of black women that fuck around with asian, hispanic and white men but they still have sex with black men behind their spouses back and that's because they found some poor sap to fund whatever life style they happen want and put him in debt. Matter of fact the last women that I was with, before I got married, was with some philippino guy that owned a garage. She used him to buy her bags, clothes, jewelry, etc. She would come around and fuck me. She did that until she left him and thought we were going to be together. I turned that down emphatically because why would I choose to get into a monogamous relationship with a female that was cheating on her boyfriend? Makes no sense.
Also look at the women in porn. The MAJORITY of them don't look good but after they've put on layers of makeup they look stunningly different. That's part of the illusion that most men fall for.
Sex is not just about how big but it also involves foreplay, syncing, rhythm, style, vernacular, etc.
lol for me, size is a big factor! very porn sized men, lv only had 10 or so in a long list o f hookups, but theyre amazing, l cum so much and so easily with them
Als most pornstar l find look beautiful without makeup....which are reffering too. As a girl l use makeup a lot, but you to at be a bit pretty under t o make work!
who do you watch?
Last edited by curleyblondegal; 06-18-2024 at 04:09 PM..
Reason: added more