01-10-2013, 11:06 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 73
Going against your up-bringing!
Something I've been wondering for a while & if people have similar opinions or views! There's been a lot of shitty threads recently so hoping this is something people can be honest with!
Firstly I need to abolish a myth! Eyebrows ain't just raised by a white family about an interracial relationship, my parents were more than pissed off the first time they saw me with a white girl. Now although I don't do things to against family I do actually kinda like the attention & banter this causes!
So what I'm asking is, "Is the biggest turn on for interracial couples, the attention it attracts & the potential trouble it causes?"
I'm a self pre claimed attention seeker & vain. So yeah most the women I date help this image, I like a woman to turn heads, dress slutty, be confident & hog the spot-light! I love kissing in public, I make a big effort to make sure we're seen! I never whisper when talking, I like being overheard!, I prefer older women its a dileberate choice, for my taste & the attention it attracts.
Truthfully I only date white women! And I think the taboo is the biggest turn on, the "Forbidden Fruit" do people date outside their race for love of the person or because of the attention it causes. I don't think I've ever loved any woman but I love fucking and dateing older, blonde slutty dressed women!